
I’d like to apologize in advance to prospective suitors on modest and moderate incomes. We would probably get along famously and have a fantastic time, and you’re welcome to get your dose of Delilah over X/Twitter, OnlyFans, Chess.com, or Substack. Unfortunately - my free time is scarce - approximately 80% of serious inquiries in 2024 were declined due to schedule limitations. This doesn’t quite sit very well with me - it takes a lot for a man with sincere intentions to bring himself to actually send that first hello - so, for 2025, we’re going to try the following rate structure and see what happens.

2 hours - $2000 - sweet spot for work nights

3 hours - $2400 - classic dinner date

4 hours - $2800 - letting loose

5 hours - $3200 - gratuitous indulgence

6-8 hours - $4000 - for active lifestyles

Overnights - $4000 - separate rooms, not offered on work nights

Full day (on weekends) - $8000, separate rooms, I need my beauty sleep

Full day (on weekdays) - upon request, returning clients only.

Full weekend - upon request, returning clients only.


Long distance outcalls (direct flights up to two hours or so from MCO, strenuous drives) - add $1000, deposited in advance

Extreme cold, blizzards, hurricanes, wildfires, hazardous air quality, civil unrest, or similar risks - add $1000

Regions that are not Florida or do not have concealed carry reciprocity with the State of Florida - add $1000

Extremely long distance outcalls - upon request